Key Stage 2 Workshops

Designed to enhance the curriculum and providing catalytic support for teachers by linking the key subject areas, Maths, Science and Literacy with Design Technology, History and Humanties and giving pupis an unforgettable experience that will stay with them for their entire educational life. Workshops need to take place in the school dining hall, gym or sports hall. All the structure are dismantled as part of the workshop experience, so we are able to be out of dining halls in time for the catering staff to put out tables, which if necessary we will assist with. Photographs are permitted of the workshops, so please ensure batteries in your cameras are fully charged. Video recording of the workshop process is strickly prohibited, as the processes of the workshops are covered by our copyright, but you may video your pupils during the activity, however if only to see the delight on thei rfaces at what they have created. We provide excellent extension & enrichment activities and transition days.

We can design a bespoke workshop to fit in with your school topic. These often become workshops we then offer to other schools, so there is no development fee. Please get in touch to discuss your requirements.


Key Elements



Listening Skills

Fine & Gross Motor Skills

Teamwork & Cooperation


Problem solving

Design technology



90 / 120 min
Pupils: 30
Key Elements:
120 min
Pupils: 45 (upper KS2)
Key Elements:
120 min
Pupils: 45
Key Elements:
120 min
Pupils: 45
Key Elements:
120 min
Pupils: 45
Key Elements:
60 min
Pupils: 30
Key Elements:
120 min
Pupils: 45 max.
Key Elements:
60 min
Pupils: 30
Key Elements: